In this video I discuss our custom synthetic golf tee. We can pretty much do anything with these tees and if you don’t mind me saying, they look very nice.
This tee has been created for chipping/pitching only, so we didn’t use our super-premium insert (because there’s no need to actually tee up the golf ball).
This tee has been built to last. The sleepers are hardwood and we’ve ensured all water will run around the tee box. We even added a little seat so the owner can take a break after hitting some shots.
And finally, there’s very little maintenance to be done with these tees. We recommend removing all debris once in a while and that’s about it. Everything has been made to last!
Watch the video below.
Some points of note:
- Hardwood sleepers used for longevity
- Chipping tee insert used instead of our super-premium tee. We have done this because it’s only a short shot and there’s no need to tee up the ball.
- A nice thick and lush fringe grass used. This offers nice contrast with the insert and provides a nice area to stand on.
- Tee pointing to the middle of the green
- Excellent drainage because the tee has been installed on a slope
- A nice little seat
If you’d like your own custom tee designed, please contact us to learn more.