In this short video you’ll see just some of what’s possible with this amazing synthetic golf green.
Just think what you’ll be able to do with your practice sessions from home? And better yet, what will an amazing synthetic golf green do for your scoring, consistency and overall play? And let’s not forget, these golf greens are spectacular and will enhance your property and backyard.
With a premium backyard set up and some discipline you can practice all aspect of your golf game,
- Short putts
- Long putts
- Tricky putts
- All sorts of chip shots
- Recovery shots
- Bunker shots
- Pitch shots
- Lob shots
- Bump and runs
- Full shots
There’s pretty much nothing that you can’t practise and get better at. Even your long game is covered because we can install a golf cage that can withstand thousands upon thousands of shots, even full bloodied thumps with your driver.
And if you’re really keen, you’ll take notice of your golf game when you’re out playing and work out where you leak shots. Then, you can come home and practise those problem areas. You’ll see immediate improvements in your scoring and enjoyment. There’s no such thing as a quick fix and certainly miracle cures don’t exist.
Real learning happens to those who are patient and attempt to get better a little bit each day. This is real-world learning and helps create more great golfers than all of the other rubbish quick-fixes and tips combine. And with your own synthetic golf green in your backyard you can be significantly better this time next year than you are now.
We’ve had clients who have even installed lights so they can work on their game at night. We know that not every golfer is going to want to go to this extreme, but if you’re truly serious about your golf, then there’s really no stopping you – I like to say, you’re really only limited by your imagination, the size of your property and your budget.
Yes, a synthetic golf green is an investment, but if you take good care of it then it will last you for many years. And if you work hard, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t totally transform your game in the process.
If you’re even remotely interested to explore what’s possible for your backyard, then please start the ball rolling (there’s no cost or obligation) here.