In this article I want to give you some tips and tricks on how to build a DIY synthetic golf green. If you simply want to check out our DIY Synthetic Golf Green Info Graphic, you can click here.
This is a new product that we’re offering here at global headquarters. Why?
Because the cost of a full install can be prohibitively expensive for many. Pricing for fully installed golf green can start anywhere from seven or eight thousand, and easily go over $20,000 and even $50,000!
And with our golf greens being totally amazing (we think they’re the best thing ever), we wanted ALL golfers the opportunity to own one. There’s also nothing better for the super-keen golfer than having their own backyard putting green. Nothing!
- You can practise all sorts of putts
- You can chip until your hands hurt
- You can pitch over your new bunker
- You can figure out the ideal technique from a buried lie in a bunker
- You can work out if you’re better chipping the ball high or keeping it low
- And you can even install a hitting cage and net (we supply these too) and iron out the wrinkles in your golf swing
But we get that not everyone can get permission to get a fully installed, totally amazing, highly realistic and absolutely game-changing synthetic green installed into their backyard.
For many, the wife would have them strung up and left out to dry. And these are the lucky ones. For everyone else,
Welcome to the wonderful world of a DIY synthetic golf green.
These golf greens have all the perfect features of our fully installed golf greens, but without the higher cost of install (because you are able to do that yourself). Features include,
- Made for golf grass that’s highly realistic.
- Made in Australia (we think this is a great thing. Our grass is made in QLD by a family owned business that prides itself on quality).
- Weather proof. This is important because not all synthetic grasses are really up to spec for our wide range of weather patterns. If you’re thinking extreme heat, ice events, rain, and freezing conditions (hello Tasmania) then you’re on the right page.
- Pet proof. We don’t know why, but many customers are worried about what Spot and Fido are going to do to their green. Rest assured, there’s nothing they can do that’s going to cause any damage. Just pick it up and wash it off. Easy.
- Chip and pitch the ball. Putting is great. But being able to work the short game is even better.
- Easy to install. If you follow our instructions (see below) you won’t have an issue (we should add here if you’ve never worked outside and don’t know how to hold a hammer then a DIY synthetic golf green install is not going to be your cup of tea)
- We also include a comprehensive multi-media guide with your kit. This private webpage gives all the most important instructions on how to install your green.
- The grass is fully guaranteed and we are here to help you get your golf green project through to completion. We appreciate that many are a little nervous about undertaking a DIY synthetic golf green project, but there’s really nothing to worry about. The grass is guaranteed for 8 years and you can expect, with normal use, 15 to 20 years lifespan.
If you’ve come this far, and the thought of a little outdoor work doesn’t scare you, then our DIY synthetic golf green kit is right up your alley. For best results we recommend recruiting some mates’ help (don’t pay them too much, beer normally is the preferred currency). If you’re really worried, or like me and a bit lazy, then hire a local excavation guy to assist. These guys are very affordable and are just brilliant at moving dirt around and getting levels spot on. Well worth every cent!
And if you’ve come this far, and are still very serious about your own DIY synthetic golf green, then check out our Info Graphic below.

The bottom line with all this DIY stuff? Building your own synthetic green isn’t too hard if you keep the design simple and don’t get too fancy. If you’re after a monster green, then it’s best you call in the experts.
Allow a weekend for a standard backyard green and don’t get too stressed with the work. Just think how good it’s going to be when you can showoff your totally amazing green to your mates.
Go for it!